Becky Rowe Jewellery, Handmade in Guernsey

Becky's News

Lockdown Dads

by Becca Powell | May 24, 2020

Father’s Day is a great opportunity to say thanks to all the dads out there each year, but the past few months of lockdown mean a lot of dads will have been working extra hard in their role as Dad. Whether they’ve been brushing up on their knowledge of capital cities while homeschooling kids, attempting telephone conference calls from home while simultaneously feeding a toddler lunch, being a referee for endless games of garden football, or going to work as a key worker and still being a fantastic dad after a long day, we all appreciate the extra hours they’ve been putting in! To help say thanks to all the fantastic fathers we’re offering 10% off any wallets, key organisers, watches (those in stock as well as special orders) and men’s jewellery sold between now and Father’s Day (21 June 2020). And for those of you not able to see your Dad this Father’s Day we’re also offering free shipping and gift wrapping. The offers will automatically be given at checkout.


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